
Sweet potato curry


1 tbsp garam masala
1 tbsp turmeric
1 tbsp paprika
1 tbsp chilli powder
Celtic salt to taste
1/2 tbsp cumin seeds
1 tbsp coconut sugar
1 red onion
3 garlic bulbs
3 medium sweet potatoes
1 can of coconut milk
1 plantain (this is essential)
1 scotch bonnet (optional)


Add all the spices and coconut sugar into a pot with some oil, cook down on a medium heat before adding the the sliced onion and garlic. Once this has been cooked down for 3-5 minutes, add the coconut milk along with the sweet potato and half a cup of water. Leave on a medium high heat and once the sweet potato is soft, bring to a low heat. Slice and fry plantain with care and add to the pot. Leave on a low heat for the plantain to soak up the flavours

Mung bean curry

1 red onion
1 tbsp garam masala
1 tbsp Turmeric
1 tbsp hot curry powder
1 vegetable stock cube
Celtic salt to taste
1/4 can of coconut milk
250g dry mung beans
1 scotch bonnet (optional)


Add some oil to a pan and add the spice and red onion on a medium heat. Once cooked down for around 3-5 minutes add the mung beans and enough water to cover the beans. Leave on a medium high heat. For around 30 minutes or until the beans are soft. You may need to gradually add more water. Once the beans are done, add the coconut milk and leave on a low heat for 5-10 minutes to simmer.

I also added some fried mushrooms and boiled plantain.


Jackfruit curry


Sweet potato & Kidney bean curry